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Denver Capital

Denver Capital

Regular price $3,000.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $3,000.00 USD
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Framed 48" x 24" Oil on Board of the Denver Capital. In this oil painting, the artist has masterfully captured the grandeur and beauty of the Denver Capital building. The painting portrays the exterior of the building, with its neoclassical architecture and towering presence. The color palette of the painting is rich and vibrant, with shades of blues, browns, and golds dominating the scene. The texture of the oil paint adds depth and dimension to the image, creating a sense of solidity and grandeur. The painting is framed in a sleek and elegant wooden frame, which complements the colors and style of the painting perfectly. The size of the painting, 48" x 24", makes it a statement piece that is sure to draw the eye and capture the imagination. The overall effect of the painting is one of awe and admiration, capturing the essence of the Denver Capital building as a symbol of the city's history, culture, and power. The painting would make a stunning addition to any art collection or as a centerpiece for any living or office space.
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